Delivering quality research for positive impact on children’s health and well-being


Our mission is to advance the health and well-being of all children, adolescents, an families through research and education.

Our vision is to be the leader in unbiased multidisciplinary research and teaching that influences policy and systems to improve health and health care for all children in our communities near and far.

Our values: integrity, respect, collaboration, creativity, excellence, and equity.

Learn more about CHEAR >

13th Annual Susan B. Meister Lecture

13th Annual Susan B. Meister Lecture

Registration is now open for the 13th Annual Susan B. Meister Lecture in Child Health Policy with Robert Gordon, JD, Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

More Information & Registration >

August Mott Poll Report

New from the Mott Poll: Should doctors accept unvaccinated children as patients?

7 in 10 parents say their child’s primary care office should have a policy to prevent completely unvaccinated children from infecting other patients. 4 in 10 parents say their child's primary care office has a policy requiring that children get all recommended vaccines; about the same number of parents are unsure of the office policy. 4 in 10 parents are very or somewhat likely to move their child to a different provider if there are children in the practice whose parents refuse all vaccines.

Read the Mott Poll Report > 





Delivering quality research for positive impact on children’s health and well-being.

The Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Center at the University of Michigan is one of the largest health services research centers that focuses on children. Eighteen faculty investigators and more than 40 research staff, fellows, and students conduct research and training across several core themes that include data science, emerging technologies, health outcomes research, health care policy, and communications. Our work is multidisciplinary, encompassing health services research, epidemiology, health policy, general pediatrics, and pediatric subspecialties.

Learn more about CHEAR >

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